Pályázni lehet: szürrealizmus, minimalizmus, absztrakt, dokumentálás, társadalmi kommentek, anime, graffity, fotó, grafika, festészet, szobrászat, fém, fa, műanyag, performance, video, rajz, gazdaság, erotika, koncepciók, installáció, design... a lényeg, hogy azt csinálsz amit akarsz, szeretsz, és ezt oszd meg másokkal is.
A legjobbak pénzdíjt, nyomtatott megjelenést nyernek, valamint az összes alkotás megtekinthető marad online galériájukban, egy minimális 5$ regisztráció ellenében, amiért 3 képet tölthetsz föl. Egyébként nincs mennyiségi megkötés. se.
Határidő: 2011. december 15.
Open to: “Whether you consider yourself a professional or amateur artist, a mischief-maker, free thinker, or just someone who likes to make and do stuff – anyone and everyone from around the world is welcome to participate.”
The Creative Divergents Showcase is open to anyone, internationally.
All subjects, styles, and media are welcome.
Winter 2011: One $1,000 (USD) award. The top 25 submissions will be featured in a printed catalog. Determined by creative vision, innovation, potential to engage an audience, presentation (i.e. quality of the images submitted), and overall impression.
$5 fee per submission. Each submission includes up to 3 images.
Deadline: December 15, 2011 (11:59pm EST).
What is Creative Divergents anyway?
Creative Divergents is a few things: an online showcase, a competition, an experiment, a creative networking site… Some of the things it has been founded on include an appreciation for people willing to push boundaries in creative ways, the desire to bring more attention to works that may not fit neatly into easily defined categories, a belief in the significance of dialogue, and an effort to make participation accessible by not asking you to pay an arm and a leg for the chance to possibly maybe have your work seen.
As a new site, it has the potential to be what you want it to be. Have ideas for it? Please do share!
Who can submit to Creative Divergents?
You. Whether you consider yourself a professional or amateur artist, a mischief-maker, free thinker, or just someone who likes to make and do stuff – anyone and everyone from around the world is welcome to participate.
Why should I submit?
You can have your work seen and talked about by people from around the world. And since this is a competition, you have the chance to win the cash prize. Unlike most competitions, every submission receives exposure and will continue to be showcased on the website even after the competition is over.
What subjects/styles/media are accepted?
What subjects/styles/media do you use? Surrealism, minimalism, abstraction, documentary, social commentary, anime, graffiti, photography, printmaking, painting, sculpture, metal, wood, plastic wrap, interventionist art, performance, video, drawing, participatory, net art, economic, erotic, conceptual, installation, design… Do what you do and share it.
How can things like video and net art be submitted?
Submit stills or screenshots as the images and then a link to your work. Make sure your images and statement will drive people to actually visit your link and see the work.
Is there a limit to the number of submissions I can enter?
Nope, sure isn’t. Multiple strong submissions could even contribute to you winning. But remember, it’s about quality, not quantity.
Is there a cost?
There is a $5 fee (USD) per submission, which can include up to 3 images.
When is the deadline for submitting?
Please take a look at the box on the top left of the page for the current deadline and other dates. You are strongly encouraged to submit sooner rather than later, as your work will have more time to receive exposure, ratings, and comments. Any submissions received after the deadline listed will be entered into the next competition.
Can I edit my submission later?
No. Once sent, your submission cannot be altered. Double check and make sure you have it how you want it before you hit that “send” button!
Anything else I should know about submitting?
You probably should read through the Submission Terms if you haven’t already. Basically, it’s saying that the work you’re submitting is your work and remains your work to do what you want with, and you’re allowing Creative Divergents to show it off.
What is the award and how is the recipient determined?
For the current competition, one recipient will be chosen to receive an award. The recipient of the Winter 2009 award received $250; Summer 2010 received $500; Winter 2010 and Summer 2011 received $1,000 (USD). Hopefully, the award amount will continue to increase in future competitions. The top 25 submissions from each showcase will be featured in a printed catalog.
The award recipient will be determined by creative vision, innovation, potential to engage an audience, presentation (i.e. quality of the images submitted), and overall impression. Submission ratings and comments will also be taken into consideration – so look around and participate!
How do I leave ratings and comments?
You must be logged in to leave ratings or comments. Simply go to the very bottom of the page. You’ll see a place where you can register and log in. You can also log in under “Post a Comment” when you are looking at a submission. To rate a submission, simply click on how many stars you think it deserves. Be careful – you cannot change your rating for a submission once you’ve done it! And yes, you can rate your own.
Complete rules and application form may be downloaded from the web site:
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