Alkotói ösztöndíj - három hónap Mariborban

Open Call for Artist in Residency GuestRoomMaribor

Röviden összefoglalva:
Művészeti irányzattól függetlenül várnak jelentkezőket - performansz, zene, vizuális alkotások, multimédia, báb, utcai színház, tánc, irodalom, miegymás - akik nyitottak a helyi élettel való együttműködésre is.

Mindezt minimum 1, legfeljebb 3 hónapos tartózkodással Mariborban, Szlovéniában, ingyenes szállással, utazási és anyagköltség támogatással, ösztöndíjjal.

Jelentkezési határidő: 2011. október 20.

Open to: artists from all art-contexts
New Artist in Residency Platform in Maribor / Slovenia
For whom:
* artists from all art-contexts: performing, music, visual, multimedia, puppet, street-theatre, dance literature
* artists, that are open for collaboration with the local scene

What we offer
* Minimum one month up to 3 months residency in Maribor, Slovenia
* Free accommodation near the city centre (apartments with kitchen)
* Working space
* The artist is responsible for his/her health insurance
* Time of residency: first half of the year 2012 (January – June)
* For limited number of residents we additionally provide: scholarship of 500€, refunded travelling costs up to 300€ and production material up to 400€.

Our demand
* Collaborating with Maribor art institutions
* Exhibition/showing of Maribor oriented production – work in progress
* Production attendance

* Fill out the GuestRoomMaribor 2012 application form and
* Additionaly send examples of current works with artist`s statement (file format: GIF, JPG or TIFF / file size: total files no larger than 10 MB / image size: 1000 pixels / image resolution: 72 dpi)
Send application to:
Deadline: 20th of October 2011

Maribor – the city of industrial culture
Maribor is the second biggest town in Slovenia, in last 5-6 decades known for its industry and industrial culture, renowned technical faculties, textile industry and wine. There is an active art scene in the city, multimedia, music, performing, visual, which can compare to the Europe finest and has also gained its international acknowledgment. Somehow it seems the specific industrial cultural context of the city does allow and encourage innovative art forms.
Pekarna Magdalenske Mreže has, in collaboration with MKC Maribor and Maribor 2012, established the new
Maribor residency platform – Maribor GuestRoom.

Our aims are:
- Opening Maribor for foreign guest artists
- Initiating long lasting connections of the art scene of Maribor with the international art scene
- Establishing Maribor as a city of research, incubator of new ideas
For the first two years, the topic of the residency program is Maribor, its culture and its identity. Therefore the aim of every residency is also presentation of the work – production, work in progress, installation, action, that rethinks and reacts on Maribor situation: industrial – post-industrial, rural – urban, socialistic – post-capitalistic, intimate – political, private – public space, hidden – visible, innovation – rigidity.
The participants are going to be chosen by a jury of renown Maribor artists or art producers concidering the following criteria:
- coherence with the theme and city,
- originality of the content,
- degree of feasibility,
- communicativeness,
- possibility of integration with Maribor art scene.



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