Hiiibrand Awards 2011 - logo, brand és csomagolás design pályázat

A  Hiiibrand Awards 2011 egy nemzetközi design megmérettetés, aminek fő célja a logo és brand design fejlődését elősegíteni, valamint az ezeket készítő művészeket természetesen díjjal inspirálni.

A versenyre innovatív brand, logo és csomagolás design tervekkel lehet nevezni,  2008 januárja és 2011 decembere közötti időszakból, mennyiségi megkötés nélkül.

A leadási határidő: 2011. december 31.

Hiiibrand Awards 2011 is an international design awards. Facing world-wide enterprises, design institutes, design companies, designers and students in Design, Hiiibrand Awards 2011 collects their design works of brand, logo and package. From the competition, we hope we can approve the development of the brands and logos in the design area, while award the people who apply themselves to the designs and excellent works around the world.

The award has two parts: Professional Group and Student Group, setting respectively up three categories, brand, logo, and package.

The candidate works must be that are brand, logo, or package designs, being created during from January 2008 to December 2011, but without limitation on quantities and counties or regions.



• Professional Group: the candidates can be an individual, design companies, or institutions which hold some design works. Note: we will not accept any bidding works or the rejection works.

• Student Group: the works must be created by the students or created during their education period, which can be published works or draft ones.



The award will be set out of Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award and Merit Award for Professional Group and Student Group. Besides, there are several awards, namely one Grand Prix and five Jury Awards for Professional Group and Student Group respectively.

The award-winning works will be published by New Graphic Magazine, and the winner will be rewarded honor certifications.

további infok, és  jelentkezés: http://www.hiiibrand.com/


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