To Death with a Smile - Nemzetközi Plakátverseny

 To Death With A Smile 2011 Poster Contest
A Mexikói Design Múzeum a MUMEDI alapítvánnyal és az Adobe-ban kooperálva nemzetközi plakátpályázatot hirdet meg "To Death with a Smile" néven.

A pályázat témája maga a halál, milyen az emberek egyéni hozzáállása a témához, mit jelent az adott kultúrában, mennyire tartunk tőle, vagy éppenséggel hogyan fogadjuk el. Mindezt komoly és játékos formában is meg lehet közelíteni.

A technika szabadon választható, megkötés, hogy Adobe programokkal kell készíteni, s a végére egy 60 cm x 90 cm-es álló plakátnak kell kijönnie 200 dpi felbontásban, jpg formátumban. A legjobb 400 pályaműből kiállítást rendeznek 2011 november és 2012 márciusa között.
A leadási határidő: 2011. október 17.
The Mexican Museum of Design, represented by the MUMEDI Foundation with support of Adobe Systems, call designers, students, teachers, professionals and anyone interested in the subject, to participate in the International Poster Contest 'To Death with a Smile', to promote the exercise of good design.

Subject is about death, a personal consideration or approach, the meaning in your own culture, how we fear, celebrate or deal with it. It can be reflected in serious or playful way.

Technique is freestyle but at the end it should go through any of the Adobe Software Family. In the end it should be put into the requested electronic file format. Dimensions 60 cm x 90 cm, vertical. Format JPG with 200 dpi’s in RGB colors.

Up to 400 hundred finalists will be chosen for the exhibition that will last at least four months, November 2011 to March 2012 and after that it will be part of our new online exhibition area on our website that will be available in November 2011. This exhibition will get about one million visitors in that period of time.



Designers, illustrators, artists, public in general or people with graphic representation background and anyone interested from any nationality, over 18 years of age.



• 1st Prize:
1 Adobe Premium Designer Suite CS5 Software
1 Mac Air Computer
1 A 2,000 pesos ( 180 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

• 2nd Prize:
1 Adobe Extended Photoshop CS5 Software
1 iPod Touch
1 A 1,000 mexican pesos ( 80 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

• 3rd Prize:
1 Adobe Illustrator CS5 Software
1 A 1,000 mexican pesos ( 80 USD aprox ) gift certificate to buy at MUMEDIShop specialized design store.

• Popular Selection Prize:
All exhibition visitors will vote during the first month for their favorite poster and the winner will get a special printed acknowledgment.

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