Az Európa Kulturális Fővárosa program keretében a város egy nemzetközi programot is rendez, amelynek keretében a világ minden pontjáról várnak művészeket a városba három hónapos tartózkodásra. A program célja a párbeszéd és az, hogy ők is ösztönözzék a szlovákiai művészeti életet.
Jelentkezési határidő: 2011. december 31.
K.A.I.R. - Košice Artist in Residence
Host organisation: Kosice 2013 - European Capital of Culture (www.kair.kosice2013.sk)
By now, Košice and whole Eastern Slovakia is one of the most fascinating regions in Europe. Not for nothing, Košice awarded the title "Eurpean Capital of Culture 2013".
During the last centuries, the whole region was influenced by many different kingdoms, countries and cultural groups and still you can feel this multicultural spirit in the city, also because of the huge Hungarian and Roma minorities and the three universities.
During the socialistic time, Košice became a center of steel industry, the population tripled within 30 years. The influence of the former socialistic times, especially in architecture and working infrastructure, still exists. During the last years, Košice, located at the Schengen border, starts a huge transformation process and will become an important cultural hub between east and west in social, political and artistic terms.
Artist in Residence
In the frame of European Capital of Culture the NGO Košice 2013 is running an international Artist-in-Residence-program for emerging artists from all over the world and out of all artistic disciplines and expressions. We give our residents the possibility to become a cultural pioneer and work in the inspire environment of Košice`s singular cultural surrounding to realize art projects, collaborate with the agile local art scene and present themself to the local and national public.
We pursuit three main goals within the residency program:
1. Support the creative energy of every invited artist and give her/him the chance to work in a new and special environment to find (new) artistic ways to express.
2. Stimulate the art scene in Košice, in the region and in whole Slowakia. Support the dialogue as well as the confrontation of the residency artists with local artists and the wide public.
3. Create/strengthen a beneficial environment for the development of inovative and international contemporary art projects with international and local participants.
According to our main goals, our team will introduce every artist in the social environment of the city and the region and help them to build up networks and collaporations with local artists. We will organise public events like artist talks, projections, workshops, open studios to give every artist the chance to introduce and present themself to a wide puplic. A final project/exhibition will show the working process during the stay of each artist.
What we provide
- Three month residency in Kosice, Eastern Slovakia between May and December 2012
- Free accommodation near the city center (full furnished with kitchen, no room service)
- Honorary, travelling and material costs
What we demand
- We searching for emerging artist, who is open for collaborations with local artists
- One presentation during the residency and final project/exhibition at the end
- Compusory attendance
- Curriculum Vitae - Please send a short CV including your name, address, phone, email along with educational and exhibition background
- Letter of motivation and objectives - Briefly describe your motivation to come to Košice and first ideas of projects you would like to realise
- Examples of current works with artist`s statement (file format: GIF, JPG or TIFF)
- Deadline: 31st of December 2011
- K.A.I.R. Management: Ludwig Henne - ludwig.henne@kosice2013.sk / 00421-(0)94 97 75 001
- Address: Košice 2013 - European Capital of Culture, Kasarne Kulturpark, Kukucinova 2, 04001 Košice, Slovakia
- Internet: www.kosice2013.sk
forrás: sff.hu
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