Luis Valtueña Humanitarian Photography Award - Fotópályázat

Ezzel a díjjal tiszetelegnek Luis Valtueña, Flors Sirera, Manuel Madrazo, and Mercedes Navarro, Médicos del Mundo humanitárius egészségügyi munkásoknak akiket 1997-ben Ruandában és 1995-ben Boszniában gyilkoltak meg miközben munkájukat végezték.

Fekete-fehér alkotásokat várnak. A műveknek humanitárius cselekedetekehez, nemzetközi összefogásokhoz, különböző szociális-, társadalmi-, természeti problémákhoz, konfliktusokhoz, stb. kell kapcsolódniuk.

Leadási határidő: 2011. Október 15.


Médicos del Mundo presents this International Photography Award to denounce the situation of millions of people in the World.

This award comes as a tribute to and in recognition of Luis Valtueña, Flors Sirera, Manuel Madrazo, and Mercedes Navarro, Médicos del Mundo aid workers killed in Rwanda in 1997 and in Bosnia in 1995 while performing their duties as international humanitarian aid workers.

Their memory serves to ensure that each year victims of injustice are brought to light. Give them a voice through your gaze. And in doing so, together, we can bring injustice to an end.

Entries must be related to humanitarian action, international cooperation and social exclusion –human rights violations, armed conflicts, natural disasters, refugee and immigrant populations, socially excluded groups, etc. –and/or to efforts aimed at building a fairer, more egalitarian world.

Each participant will be able to submit a maximum of ten photographs, which can be part of a series or standalone. The photographs may be in black and white or colour.
Only photos taken between January 2009 and October 2011, and which have not been previously entered, will be accepted. The photographs must be submitted in digital format.

There is no entry fee.




The competition is open to adult amateur and professional photographers of any nationality.




The winner of the first prize will receive a project grant worth €8,000 (approx $11,450) to develop a photo project related to the work of Médicos del Mundo, whether in Spain or another country, subject to the approval of the Organisation.

The winner will define the project’s objectives and further development jointly with Médicos del Mundo. The grant will cover all project expenses. The project will have to be finished before 30th November 2012.

Two runners-up will each receive a cash prize of €1,000 (approx $1,450).

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