Silence Is A Lie Urban Art Exhibition

Te is légy részese egy igazi Urban Art kiállításnak Berlinben!

We are calling to every urban artist to be part in the 'Silence is lie' urban art exhibition in Berlin.

The exhibition is about this urban art movement that rethinks and questions actual parameters of art without even intending to do so. A movement that breaks the silence imposed by the conformance of the majority, offering its truth about reality through the art.

Artists can participate in 4 different ways:
• Wheatpaste (paper,cardboard, etc.)
• Canvas
• Installations/performance
• Stickers

Pályázati határidő: 2012. június 2.
Just as no words are needed to break silence, there is no need to be obvious when communicating something.
Thus, we do not ask especially for works with political content or focus on social issues but give every artist the opportunity to express his or her vision of the world in his own style or the way he/she likes best.

Finally, the exhibition is going to be a good reflection of how urban artists see the present and how they share that vision with the world. The intention is to create a bridge of dialogue and communication between different views and ways of expressions, not a contest or a competition. However, we are obliged to select a limited number of exhibition participants due to space limitation.

There is no entry fee.

There are not money prizes, just the chance of being part of the exhibition.


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